Charlotte Cash Loans
Cash loans are small, short term cash loans obtained by the borrower directly from a lender, usually via the Internet or in-office. Payday loans are issued quickly, typically within a day or two, and are great alternatives to credit cards and other high-interest financing options. The payday loan service is not a real loan, but rather a service that enable borrowers to get cash advance loans when they need cash before their next payday without using credit, loans from family members or friends, or traditional checking accounts. Payday loans also are popular because they can be used by virtually anyone who has an Internet connection and a personal checking account, even if the individual does not have a good credit history. Payday loans Charlotte offers loans similar to cash advances offered by storefront cash advance services, except that borrowers usually must fax documents to the lender in order to obtain payday loans through the lender.
Cash Loan Criteria
Like other cash loans, borrowers must meet certain criteria in order to obtain payday loans from payday loan providers. Borrowers must typically be 18 years of age, unless in special circumstances, such as emergency situations. Borrowers must also have a stable job with a regular salary, monthly income, and verifiable income from another source. Some lenders may require potential borrowers to have cosigner accounts with a specific bank or lending institution.
Apply Online
After meeting all the eligibility requirements, borrowers fill out an online loan application. Some applications require faxing of bank account verification, while others simply require the submission of a paper application. Depending on the lender, some loan applications are processed immediately, while others will take up to two weeks. Once approved, the lender will deposit the requested funds into the borrowers’ bank account, typically within one business day.